Masuk Daftar

dream up artinya

contoh kalimat "dream up"
  • You don't have to dream up that world anymore.
    Anda tidak harus memimpikan dunia itu lagi.
  • You kids had all the tech you could dream up.
    Kalian memiliki segala peralatan Yang kalian inginkan.
  • Kate, this isn't something that I dreamed up myself.
    Kate, ini bukan sesuatu yang saya impikan sendiri.
  • Every covert op the government ever dreamed up is in there.
    Setiap rahasia pemerintah pernah dimasukkan ke dalamnya.
  • Why don't you dream up something useful?
    Mengapa kau tidak bermimpi sesuatu yang berguna?
  • Your father didn't dream up this little plan, did he?
    Ayahmu tidak tertarik dengan mimpi kecil ini, bukan?
  • Edward cobb was the scientist who dreamed up project elephant.
    Edward Cobb adalah ilmuwan yang memimpikan Proyek Gajah.
  • Let's dream up a science-fiction transportation system.
    Mari kita mimpi sebuah fiksi-sains sistem transportasi.
  • Maybe he's just something I dreamed up.
    Mungkin, dia hanya sesuatu yang kuimpikan.
  • I would dream up someone who's half-mad.
    Aku bermimpi tentang seseorang yg sinting.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • devise or invent; "He thought up a plan to get rich quickly"; "no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software"
    Sinonim: think up, think of, hatch, concoct,